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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Denise's Thoughts: TLC

Denise's Thoughts: TLC: "So I was watching a special on TLC the other day and why is it that these people are blaming fast food restaurants for their obesity!! WTF?!..."


So I was watching a special on TLC the other day and why is it that these people are blaming fast food restaurants for their obesity!! WTF?!?! Don't blame fast food for your lack of self discipline and self respect! Hey, here's an idea....STOP eating the fast food!! Just because it's there does NOT mean you have to eat it! I mean really! Come on, take some resposibility!! Oh and BTW, if fast food restaurants "make" you eat their food then why is it that the gym doesn't MAKE you work out?

Gay Marriage

What's with all the damn negativity and gay marriage? I say let everyone marry whom they are in love with. Who's right is it to say one can't marry their soul mate simply because of the sex of the object of their love? All who are against it should just mind their own damn business and live their OWN lives and keep their mouths shut!!